Top Books for Kindergartners

May 16, 2013
Reading helps children develop a strong understanding of language and contributes to their future academic success. That is why it is important for parents to encourage a passion for reading as early as possible! If your child has just started kindergarten, then you can give him or her the reading practice they need with these great books:

First Day Jitters by Julie Daneberg. It is normal for children to feel a bit nervous before starting a new school year, especially for younger children who may be experiencing school for the very first time! Reading First Day Jitters is a great way to calm those nerves and help your child get a better understanding of how much fun he or she will have at school.

Look Out, Kindergarten, Here I Come by Nancy Carlson. Your child can learn even more about the excitement that awaits him or her inside of the classroom with this great story from Nancy Carlson. Henry the mouse is ready for kindergarten, and reading about his adventure will help prepare your child for his or her own adventure!

I Can Read With My Eyes Shut by Dr. Seuss. Children of all ages love the rhymes and heartfelt stories of Dr. Seuss, which is why this author is a favorite of kindergartners. You can help your child develop stronger reading skills with I Can Read With My Eyes Shut from the wonderful Dr. Seuss. This story emphasizes the importance of reading by showing children that they can read anywhere they go.

How to Be a Friend: A Guide to Making Friends and Keeping Them by Laurie Kransy Brown and Marc Brown. Starting kindergarten means meeting and interacting with new children. However, it can be difficult for some children to make friends, but you can help your child prepare for the responsibilities and fun of school with this wonderful book. While reading this story, children will learn about the importance of building friendships and how they can start making friends in school.
These books are a great choice for all kindergarten students, but there are plenty of other great books that your child can discover in class or at the library!