Tips and Tricks for the Thanksgiving Table

November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to come together with family and close friends to reflect on all that we're grateful for. Laughs and sentiments are shared over delicious family favorites as we recount all of the people and blessings that we're thankful to have in our lives. Our children are often at the top of that list!

But while we're sure you have the best intentions for a picture-perfect meal, sometimes dining with an infant, toddler or preschool age child can be a little stressful. Here are some tips and tricks to help you survive the holiday.

Utilize the Kid's Table
First and foremost, remember that it can be very tough for your child to sit still quietly during the longest meal of the year. Instead of setting the stage for fidgeting, or even worse, an at-the-table meltdown, be realistic. Consider setting up a separate "kids only" table or seat your children at a "special" spot at the main table.

Dress Down or Pack a Back-Up
Spills happen, fabric gets itchy and excited children get hot. If you are planning to dress your child in something fancy, remember to pack a back-up! Bringing their favorite holiday themed pajamas will make slipping them into bed a lot faster and easier.

Appetizers & Crafts
Before dinner begins and while adults are sharing appetizers and greetings, invite your kids and other young guests to create a special Thanksgiving craft. You can use something as simple as regular sheets of paper or as crafty as patterned scrapbooking paper and ask them to create placemats for all of the dinner guests with crayons or (washable) markers. Then allow them to escort guests to their seats and present them with their homemade creations.

Let Them Take Center Stage
Take advantage of the natural lulls during dinner. In between the first and second helpings or during a break between dinner and dessert, invite your children to take center stage. They can show off their artwork, sing their favorite song from child care, do a dance or share a story about how they celebrated Thanksgiving with their friends at Lightbridge Academy. The anticipation will keep them excited and eager all through dinner!

Have a Plan B and C!
Despite the best-laid intentions, the mix of energy, sugar and excitement can be a little overwhelming for your little ones. Have a back-up plan(s). Bring your iPad, a movie, a book or even a favorite blanket so that when the evening winds down and coffee is being served, your little one will be able to retreat for a little downtime.

What are some of your favorite tips or tricks for managing Thanksgiving with small children? Share below!

Looking for a fun way to teach your children about the meaning of Thanksgiving? Check out our "What are you Thankful 4?" activity here. Link to: /blog/weekend-fun-get-into-the-thanksgiving-spirit-131