Rid the dust bunnies! Fun and effective spring cleaning tips for your family!

April 22, 2014

It has been a long winter, especially with all of Mother Nature's dramatic weather changes, but the snow has finally melted on our playgrounds and spring is officially in the New Jersey air! It's the time of year to start enjoying the sweet sounds of singing birds and blossomed flowers! No better way to welcome the season then by eliminating those dust bunnies and doing a full, fun and effective spring cleaning! It may be hard for kids (and parents) to be excited about cleaning, but STAY POSITIVE even if you don't like these daunting chores. Open the windows wide, let in the fresh air and sunshine, blast the fun music and lighten the mood.

- Make a list and check it twice! By making a check list using pictures, your children will enjoy conquering them one task at a time. Shake those rugs, find those cob-webs, dust the light fixtures and wash the bedding and furniture. By cleaning everything out, you are eliminating all of the dust and dirt that can cause the sniffles! (Don't forget the pets - they need to be cleaned too!)

- Use your imagination! Get creative! Encourage your children to open their own cleaning service, such as "Carla's Cleaning Company", supplying them with their own gloves, aprons and cleaning supplies. This will get them engaged and have fun while cleaning, not to mention you get to play the role of the appreciative customer.

- Eliminate the clutter! Toddlers tend to forget about their old toys when they get their new and exciting ones. Have your child make three piles to help de-clutter and start fresh - a keep pile, a toss pile and a donate pile. After getting rid of all of the old toys, make sure the new ones stay organized - by attaching pictures of books or balls to specific baskets, your toddler will know the right home for each of their toys.

Lightbridge Academy also stays spotless - all of our child centers are cleaned and sanitized according to specific guidelines. A professional cleaning service comes in to each center every evening and completes a deep cleaning throughout all of our rooms to prevent the spread of germs, and dust bunnies, too! During naptime, each child has their own individual, clean, comfortable cot. Learn more about our cleaning environment HERE on the Lightbridge Academy website.