Who doesn't love the sun, the sand and the splashing waves? But let's face it; with children now in the picture, what used to be a relaxing day at the beach can be a little daunting! But don't worry, we've got you covered! In order to save you a little time (we know you're crunched) we've put together this helpful tip list to speed things up and lower your stress level:
Beach Tips for Parents of Infants and Toddlers
Making Tracks--The only stroller that will work well on the beach is one with bicycle wheels-like a jogging stroller. If you don't have one, see if you can borrow one from a friend or family member. Save your walk until it's nap time and take a stroll along the water's edge where the sand is tightly packed for a smooth trip.
Splish-Splash--Of course you'll need a few beach toys, but also bring a blow-up baby pool and a bucket to fill it. Place the pool under your umbrella; this will keep your child out of direct sunlight, and it will also save you many trips to and from the water!
That's better--Leave a bottle of water outside of your cooler so that it gets warm. If your child gets sand in his or her eyes, it will be a lot easier to clear it away with warm water rather than ice cold.
Neat trick--Baby powder is a great trick for removing sand from your baby's skin. Just sprinkle it on and brush the sand away.
Just in Case--Label your toddler! This may sound strange, but it only takes a few moments for a child to wander away, so be prepared: write your name and cell phone number on a rubber bracelet and place it on their wrist or ankle. Protect Their Skin--Apply sunscreen lotion at home, and then use spray sunscreen at the beach. This will help ensure that you won't miss any tender spots on your precious little one.
Clever ideas for a day at the beach
Being at the beach is a lot of fun, but it can also be a hassle. Here are some of our favorite ideas to make things more fun and/or easier to manage:
Dog leash beach chair strap-Arms too full to carry your beach chair? Simply weave a six-foot-long dog leash along one of the chair's rails so that it's supported at each end, fasten the clasp to the leash handle, and hang the strap over your shoulder.
Shower Curtain Key Ring--Clip your keys to a closable shower curtain ring and attach it to your to your beach bag handle. You will never lose your keys at the beach again!
Are you a beach-going pro? Do you have a tip or a project you'd like to share? Please do! Just add your comments in the space provided below-and thanks.